There's something sneaky I want to make sure you guys areaware of.

The odds of winning are included on the back of every scratch off ticket, and you can also do some advance research online. The state lottery websites will provide you with all of the pertinent details about every game they offer. You can pull up any game and take a look at the odds of winning. So whether you are a gamble often or just buy scratch offs or lottery tickets to hopefully hit the jackpot or win the Powerball, once in a while, you can use these tips. In this post, I’ll give you a few tips to increase your odds of winning on every scratch off ticket you buy. In a scratch-off lottery game, you need to scratch the printed area to reveal whether you have won the game or not. You can also try playing international scratch-off lottery games online for convenience. Portals like Lottoland offer the same feel of scratching off the card by incorporating the highest technology. A losing ticket, no matter how much of it you scratch off, is a losing ticket. How would scratching the entire ticket make it a winner if the symbols/numbers arent winners? Surimaribo24 NEW YORK.

In the industry it's called 'pinning', and this scratch off scam can mean you missout on a big winner without ever knowing about it.

There's a weak point in the way scratch-off tickets are claimed.You have to scratch a panel to reveal a barcode. It's that barcodethat has to be scanned to tell if the ticket is a winner or not.

This is a different barcode to the one you can see before youstart scratching anything. It's hidden and has to be scratched tobe seen. For a good reason - because this is the security measureto stop a dodgy assistant or store owner from checking all thetickets and pulling out the winning ones!

Sounds good so far... except...

Well, some 'smart cookie' figured out you don't need to see muchof a barcode to be able to scan it!

STOP: Hold up. Make sure you get all of my lottery scratch off tips. They could be the difference between winning big and forever losing.

Barcodes are a series of vertical lines. But it's the thickness of thelines and the thickness of the spaces between them that 'decode'into a serial number. The only reason barcodes are as tall as theyare is to make them a big and easy target for scanner machines.

Here's what the dodgy assistants figure out.

Do You Scratch Off Everything On A Lottery Ticket

If you take a ruler and a pin (hence the name 'pinning'), you canremove a thin line of the scratch material. Just enough so thatwith careful aim you can scan the ticket to see if it's a winner.While still leaving the ticket looking unused!

They then keep the winners (they just buy them - no rule againstthat bit). But then sell you the losers..!

YES - lottery scratch off scams are a criminal offence. And yes, the lottery companies are awareof it. Anyone caught doing this will end up in serious trouble.

But I want you to know about it so you don't caught out!

So there are 2 danger signs to be very aware of:-

  1. Never buy a 'loose' ticket that just appears from under thecounter. Watch the assistant detach your ticket fresh from theroll in front of you.
  2. Inspect each ticket you buy closely BEFORE you walk away.Make sure there is no damage at all to the scratch surface. Ifthere is, ask for a replacement ticket.

This is not the only lottery ticket scam out there. So I'd also recommend you always report anything suspicious thathappens when buying tickets or claiming winnings. Dishonestsellers are rare but they do exist.

TIP: Know how to figure out what are the best scratchers? All tickets are not the same. It is possible to figure out which are the best to play. Don't just buy randomly because that really hurts your chances.

Lottery companies take lottery scratch card scams VERY seriously. Phone them andreport the store to the security department. They will investigateand take major action if they find anything dodgy going on.

Read More Scratch Tips:

Today I'm going to run through some quick lottery scratch off ticket secrets. Hope these help too.

Do you scratch off everything on a lottery ticket game

Do You Scratch Off Everything On A Lottery Tickets

WAIT: Did you get my lottery scratchers tips yet? You really need to get those tips first. They really could mean the difference between a big win and a lot of losing tickets!

[Q] Are scratch-off tickets easier to win than the regulardraw based games?

[A] Some are, some aren't. You have to compare them toknow. Yes, a cheap scratcher is going to be easier to winthan Powerball. But the prize is so much smaller. Just likePick 3 is easier to win than a high priced scratcher. Don'tguess - choose your game wisely.

[Q] Do you think it's a good idea to play the $1 gamesuntil I win enough to play the high priced tickets?

[A] No - never do this. It will really hurt your chancesoverall. Always play the right game to start with.

[Q] Richard Lustig says I should always buy tickets inbatches of 5 at a time to get a better chance of winning- is this true?

[A] No it is NOT true. This is a total myth. Your chancesof winning are exactly the same if you buy 5 tickets all atonce, or if you buy 1 a day for 5 days.

[Q] I don't get how Dave's scratchers reports are better thanjust buying the latest tickets that will mostly have all the bigprizes still available?

[A] It's better because it figures out what are the best scratch ticketsthat give you the best chance of buying a winner. And that includesboth the big and small prizes. Think of it this way, imagineif all the losing tickets had been sold for a particular game.That would mean all those left on sale would be winners.Dave's ScratchSmarter service would tell you this is theNo.1 best game to play this week. Without it you wouldnever know. That's a big advanatage over other players.It's hurting your chances to play without it.

[Q] I tried to claim what I thought was a winning ticketbut the assistant said it had not won. He kept the ticket -have I been ripped off? What can I do?

[A] The only thing you can do now is contact the lotterycompany and ask to speak to their security team. Tell themwhat happened, when it was (ideally the date and time) andat what store. They will do their best to investigate, but I'mafraid there is not much they can do if your ticket was stolenand that person has been careful to cover their tracks.

Do You Scratch Off Everything On A Lottery Ticket

Still got questions? just ask here :-)

Do You Scratch Off Everything On A Lottery Ticket Game

Read More Scratch Tips: